If My People?
“…if my people, who belong to me, humble themselves, pray, seek to please me, and repudiate their sinful practices, then I will respond from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14 NET)
The first time I remember this verse being prominently used by evangelical Christians was in 1992, after the election of Bill Clinton. It seemed that Christians felt that God’s judgment had come to the good old USA because it had chosen the wrong political party. Michael Card wrote a song based on this verse. I bought the t-shirt — literally. Conservatives had lost the White House for the first time in 12 years, and the sting of that apparently meant our country was in rebellion against God and needed revival.
That revival didn’t come.
Over the last seven quadrennial election cycles (I’m feeling very old writing that) I’ve seen this verse overused by well meaning Christians who are calling Americans to repent and pray and seek God’s mercy over this nation. The problem is, this verse isn’t about America or any other political or national entity in existence today.
It’s much more personal and much more cosmic than that.
“Remember the ancient days; bear in mind the years of past generations. Ask your father and he will inform you, your elders, and they will tell you. When the Most High gave the nations their inheritance, when he divided up humankind, he set the boundaries of the peoples, according to the number of the heavenly assembly. For the LORD ’s allotment is his people, Jacob is his special possession.” (Deuteronomy 32:7-9 NET)
Hebrew scholars have labeled this passage and its implications as the “Deuteronomy 32 World View.” In short, this view concludes that at the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11) YHWH released humanity over to be ruled by angelic beings and divided all peoples into distinct tribal groups and territorial boundaries. He then chose Israel (through Abraham) to become His own people or nation through which He would demonstrate His justice, righteousness, grace, mercy, sovereignty and superiority. This Chosen People would be commissioned to become a light to the other nations, offering the opportunity for anyone who would renounce the gods of this world and their systems the privilege to receive citizenship within YHWH’s people, with all the rights and responsibilities that come with it.
Israel would repeatedly fail in this calling. The people would rebel against YHWH and His authority. They would seek to live as the pagan nations that surround them, even rejecting YHWH and worshipping these other gods.
YHWH would demonstrate His patience and goodness over and over again. But eventually, YHWH’s holiness would demand that Israel be judged for its rebellion. The armies of these other nations would conquer and enslave them. Drought, famine and pestilence would decimate their crops and livestock. It would seem as though YHWH had forgotten them.
Enter Jesus, who became the perfect Israel; the Messiah — the Anointed King who would return YHWH’s people to righteousness. His crucifixion was His coronation. His resurrection was His empowerment. His ascension was His enthronement. He is the King of kings. The Lord of lords. The God of gods.
His purpose has not changed. He calls His people — His Kingdom — to take the Good News of the Kingdom to the world; to be a light to the nations. To proclaim that YHWH — the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob — is the only True God. And that all are welcome within His people.
But this invitation isn’t about allegiance to any earthly nation or kingdom. In reality, this invitation is about a defection from these nations and kingdoms; a rejection of the world and its systems. And an irreversible oath of allegiance to YHWH.
Those who have done this, are a part of YHWH’s people. And today, we are in exile among the other nations of the world. We are awaiting the soon coming return of the King. When this moment finally comes, Jesus will defeat all of the nations of this earth; He will bring all who are willing into His Kingdom and He will give all who reject Him what they desire — banishment.
For those who have yet to denounce this world, its kingdoms and its gods, the invitation and the warning are clear. Repent from your rebellion and declare your allegiance to Jesus the Messiah. Failure to do this is the pinnacle of foolishness. And that foolishness will result in deserved judgment.
For those who are already a part of the Kingdom of God — Jew and Gentile alike — the promise and blessing of 2 Chronicles 7:14 is for you; for us. If we humble ourselves and pray; if we seek to obey YHWH and His Messiah; if we utterly reject our sinful practices and turn away from them and toward righteousness, YHWH, our God, has promised forgiveness and restoration.
Whichever you are, may you respond accordingly.